(+63 2) 8920-5463 secretary@upecon.org.ph

The PhilHealth Prepaid Premium (3P) Study

The 3P Study is currently implemented in 62 provinces in the country. Designed as a social experiment, households are randomly assigned into treatment and control groups. Each household in the treatment group that is eligible to become IP beneficiaries will be offered a PhilHealth Prepaid Premium certificate. Each certificate is worth PhP600 (six hundred pesos) that is paid by UPecon directly to PhilHealth. The recipient can use the voucher to pay part of his or her annual premium contribution. The certificate is non-transferable, non-convertible to cash and can only be used to enrol under PhilHealth’s IP Program during the period January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011. In addition, the eligible households shall be given information packets concerning the enrolment requirements, premium schedule, and benefits entitlements as PhilHealth members. The households in the control groups will not be offered the certificate and the information packets.

The 3P Study and the Evaluation of the RBA Payment Facility are jointly undertaken by UPecon and the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), the government agency that administers the NHIP. The baseline and follow up surveys for the 3P study will be conducted by the Philippine Survey and Research Center, Inc.

Read preliminary results of the Joint PhilHealth-UPecon Study on the Individually Paying Program.