The team comprises health economists from the UPecon Foundation and the World Bank-Development Economics Research Group. The UPecon team members are Joseph J. Capuno, Aleli D. Kraft, Stella A. Quimbo, and Carlos Antonio R. Tan, Jr. Adam Wagstaff of the WB is the HEFPA technical team leader for the Philippines, Laos and Vietnam.
The UPecon team also includes Ermi Amor F. Yap, Rhea Molato, Vigile Marie Fabella and Filipinas Bundoc, who provide technical and administrative support.
For further information on the UPecon-HEFPA Project, you may contact:
Joseph J. Capuno
UPecon-HEFPA Study Team Leader
Room 213
PCED Building
UP Campus, Diliman
Quezon City 1101
Tel: (632) 89279686 loc 212/213
Fax: (632) 89205463
Cellphones: (+63) 9152865570, (+63) 9491236071